Is Your Baby Sensitive to Food?

Taylor Wolfram, MS, RDN, LDN

Published January 23, 2013

Some babies are sensitive to certain foods, but how do you know which foods? Certain reactions, perhaps a rash, wheezing, diarrhea or vomiting, are tell-tale signs that a food doesn't agree with him.

The good news is that most babies outgrow these reactions once their immune and digestive systems mature. In the meantime, monitor your baby for food reactions.

  • Keep track of everything your baby eats. Until you know what foods upset your baby, serve single-grain infant cereals and plain fruits, vegetables and meats instead of mixed varieties. If your baby has a reaction to a certain food, stop that food.
  • As you introduce new foods, offer one at a time. Wait a couple of days before introducing another new food. That way if your baby has a problem, you'll know which food caused it.
  • If any food causes a significant and ongoing problem, talk to your baby's doctor or a registered dietitian nutritionist. Together, you can establish a plan that is best for your baby.